Repair Hail Damage

image of a home damaged in Florida by hail and SCM Roofing contact number 855-726-7663
9:29 pm

Tackling Hail Damage Head-On: SCM Roofing's Personal Journey with Repairing Hail Damage

When Hail Strikes, SCM Roofing is Here for You!

We all love Florida for its sunny beaches, vibrant culture, and incredible oranges. But living in the Sunshine State isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. At SCM Roofing, we’ve seen our fair share of unexpected weather – hail being one of them. Remember that one time when a sudden hailstorm turned my backyard barbecue into an impromptu ice party? Oh, Florida! But more than my failed barbecue attempt, it’s the damage hail can do to roofs that truly caught our attention.

The Unexpected Foe: Understanding Hail Damage

You might think, “Hail in Florida? That’s unexpected!” And you’d be right. But when it does happen, here’s what to know:

SCM Roofing: Why We Advocate for Metal Roofs in Florida

Being a part of the Florida community, SCM Roofing has seen firsthand the challenges homeowners face. Our recommendation for metal roofs stems from their:

close up image of a shingled roof with SCM Roofing contact number 855-726-7663

Why is Hail Such a Menace?

Size & Speed: Hailstones, ranging from tiny pellets to the size of baseballs, pelt down at high speeds.

Impact Damage: They can crack, dent, or puncture a roof, especially asphalt shingles.

Exposure: Over time, even minor damage can lead to leaks or bigger issues if left unattended.

Personal Anecdote: John’s Hail Awakening

A good friend, John, once joked about his roof being “indestructible”. One evening, after a surprise hailstorm, he called me, panic evident in his voice. Turns out, his “indestructible” roof now had noticeable damage. The silver lining? He learned the importance of professional repair and regular inspections. And who better to turn to than SCM Roofing? We were happy to assist in providing a thorough and written estimate for John’s insurance claim and roof repair. 

SCM Roofing's Steps to Repair Hail Damage

Quick Assessment

Visual Inspection: Check for visible signs like dents, missing shingles, or cracks.

Inside Check: Scan your attic or top floor for leaks or water damage.

Florida Local Roofing Professionals graphic with image of Florida home with metal and shingled roof and SCM Roofing logo

Professional Inspection

Detailed Examination: Our team inspects every nook and cranny.

Damage Report: We provide a comprehensive damage report, ensuring you understand the extent of repairs needed.

Repair Process

Tailored Solutions: Every roof is unique, and so are our repair solutions.

Quality Materials: We only use the best materials to ensure longevity and safety.

Experienced Team: With years of experience in Florida roofing, our team gets the job done right.

Aftercare & Maintenance Tips

Once the hail damage is repaired, ensure it remains in top shape:

Regular Inspections: At SCM Roofing, we recommend bi-annual inspections to catch any potential issues early on.

Gutter Cleaning: Ensure gutters and downspouts are clean, facilitating proper water flow.

Insurance: Ensure your homeowner’s insurance covers hail damage, making future repairs more affordable.

Why Partner with SCM Roofing for Hail Damage Repair?

Local Expertise: Being a Florida-based company, we understand local weather patterns and roofing challenges.

Customer-First Approach: Our customers aren’t just clients; they’re family. We prioritize your safety and satisfaction.

Transparent Communication: We keep you in the loop at every stage of the repair process.

Does Hail Impact Florida? - SCM Roofing Answers

Hail in Florida - A Closer Look

Hail in Florida is a topic that often raises questions. While Florida’s warm and humid climate might lead some to believe that hail is a rarity, historical records show otherwise.

Here at SCM Roofing, we want to put this question to rest: “Does it really hail in Florida?” The answer is yes, it does. Here are some notable instances in Florida’s weather history:

Notable Hail Events in Florida

  • March 27, 1992: Hailstorms in central Florida, particularly in the Orlando area, caused damage to cars and homes.
  • April 19, 2011: A severe thunderstorm produced hail in parts of Florida, including the Tampa Bay area and Sarasota.
  • March 18, 2018: Hail was reported in parts of South Florida, including Miami and Fort Lauderdale, due to a severe thunderstorm.
  • April 19, 2019: Severe weather, including hail, affected parts of North Florida, including Jacksonville.
  • April 19, 2020: Severe thunderstorms in Central Florida, especially around the Orlando area, produced hail.

    These examples illustrate that hail events, though infrequent, have indeed occurred in Florida. But what does this mean for Florida homeowners?
close up image of a shingled roof in Florida on a townhome building and SCM Roofing contact number 855-726-7663

The Potential for Hail Damage in Florida

Yes, you may require hail damage repair from a licensed roofer in Florida. While Florida isn’t known for its frequent or severe hailstorms, hail can still pose a threat to your property. These hail events have caused damage to roofs, vehicles, and homes in the past. Hail damage can be particularly concerning for your roofing system, potentially leading to leaks, reduced insulation, and diminished structural integrity.

Trust SCM Roofing for Hail Damage Repair in Florida

At SCM Roofing, we specialize in providing expert roofing services, including hail damage repair. Our licensed professionals have the knowledge and experience to assess and address any roofing issues resulting from hail or severe weather events. We’re here to help you protect and maintain the integrity of your roofing system, ensuring your property stays safe and secure. When it comes to hail damage in Florida, SCM Roofing has you covered.

Conclusion & Wrap Up: Don’t Let Hail Rain on Your Parade

Hail might not be a regular guest in Florida, but when it shows up, it surely makes its presence felt. The next time you find yourself looking at a hail-pocked roof, remember John’s lesson and my ruined barbecue. With SCM Roofing by your side, you’ll be ready to face and fix any hail challenge that comes your way. 

Call SCM Roofing today for all of your Hail Damage roof repairs in Florida and to experience the difference our fast, friendly and highly trained roofing service professionals make for your next roofing repair.

graphic 25 years experience and text your experienced Florida roofing professionals and SCM Roofing contact number 855-726-7663

Are you needing roof repair from hail storm damage in Florida? SCM Roofing services the gulf coast towns of Florida and would love the opportunity to speak with you. Call today to speak with one of our knowledgeable and courteous representatives about your roofing needs.

Call SCM Today (855)726-7663